Monday, August 10, 2009

Skip Intro

I’m quite found of the SKIP INTRO button when I visit a new website. I know someone’s put some creative effort into it but chances are I want to get to the point. Although to be honest with you dear readers I rarely get to the point, but that is because I am pointless!

Jokes aside, I’m trying to be more positive about myself and my life; trying to look on the bright side. I don’t want to force it or be phoney about it and in saying that I know I will slip into darkness occasionally.

I’m not really sure what to say about myself or my blog. I know that if you chose to read this and join me on this “adventure” you will get to know me anyway. It’s always such a bugger getting started though, isn’t it? I can share some basic information.

I was born in Tokyo when my parents were groovier and living the high life in the diplomatic corps. When people find out I was born in Japan they ask, “Does that make you Japanese?” From what I’ve been told the answer is No. Apparently my father has to be Japanese for me to also be considered Japanese. I’m not overly impressed with that policy and thus I’ve been a feminist ever since. PUSSY POWER!

Yes I am a cleaner but so what? I have a job in these uncertain economic times and I’m going overseas on holiday soon. I hope to move on from cleaning. It really is wishful thinking though. I don’t find that many jobs to apply to but the last one I tried for would be fantastic to land. The job is as a Researcher for ABC3, the new channel devoted to children's television. It’s local, well it’s in Melbourne rather than Sydney, which I’m happy about. Most importantly it’s a foot-in-the-door.

I did Media Studies at university and ending up as a cleaner does not sit well with me. I’m quite a snob about it in some respects, thinking I’m too good for it, but really who deserves to be a cleaner? No one! It’s a shitty job and the pay isn’t good enough. Letting it get to me by acting superior to it only hurts me. (Mind you I am rather good at hurting myself. More on that later).

For about a year and a half I have had an on-again-off-again relationship with Rouge Productions, a local independent company whose current projects include adapting Australia’s best selling children series for girls, Go Girl! The funding, and possibly the enthusiasm from the networks, keeps drying up. And last year there were troubles within the publishing company. I’m forever on standby. So much so that it has been suggested I go look for some other work. Not just cleaning though, but rather some more television work.

I’m supposed to be writing up the script of Know It All from Go Girl! Surprisingly I have started – that was an uphill battle against self doubt seeing as I’ve hardly worked on scripts before - but I haven’t got much more done lately. Job applications and holiday day dreaming got in the way.

I guess I’m mentioning this to show I haven’t given up on a media job just yet. Things are set in motion but whether or not they will result in work or not, is the big question; a cry yourself to sleep type question.

Never mind. For the immediate future I have travel to Sweden and Iceland to look forward to. I even have motivation at work. Check out this stain on the floor of the mezzanine/meeting space I clean.

It’s Iceland. In a back-to-front, not really, sort of way. Okay next to a real map of the country it looks nothing like it. But there was a time as I vacuumed that the stain made me think of Iceland. It’s recently been steam cleaned and been erased. Not my holiday though!

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