Monday, January 4, 2010


That’s what I was called today by Claude The Old Letch. He’s a neighbour of ours with not much better to do than chat up “beautiful young ladies.” He lives a few houses down in a home. Most of the residents have little to do. They like to stop us for a chat. The thing with Claude is he’s “concerned” about us. I don’t know if I’m of particular interest because I’m depressed – he knows all about that - (“beautiful”), and unhappy about my work situation. He always tries to get you to have coffee with him. My sister and I did once. I think because we don’t give anything away he makes way too many assumptions. (The other thing is the chats become lectures). For example why don’t we have boyfriends? We’re not “funny” are we? It’s hard not to roll your eyes at that one. And for God sake there’s only so much time you can half-heartedly flirt with someone, or rather be flirted at.

I had stuff to do when I got stopped by him this morning. I was on my way to the post office to fax a resume for a job. Oh I love talking about getting a new job with him! “Why can’t you get another job?” Or rather, What’s wrong with you? There’s sympathy and understanding – he shows me his scars from cutting his wrists and I show him mine – but at the same time a bit of blame laying for being shy.

Yes I freely put my hands up to being shy but what he’ll never know is I’m not shy with everyone. There are things that just aren’t any of his business. I’ll listen to his stories but at times the implied sexual content gets very uncomfortable. I don’t want to hear his stories of past conquests or the fact that he’s always liked younger women. I’m cringing even now.

I didn’t lose my temper but I did tell him I was going now. He called me a “bitch” but it wasn’t nasty. I said “I don’t care” and walked off. And I really don’t. If anything I have something to use against him now. Yea!


  1. One more thing added to a busy morning, must have been nice to be around someone so understanding. ;)

  2. Hi, Miss Adventure (Amy)

    Thanks for your comment on my review of Screening Sex by Linda Williams.

    I like your blog although it's very different from mine. You write well and make the everyday shit (work, lack of work, sexual frustration, etc) most of us have to put up with interesting. My blog is a bit abstract I suppose with not a lot of personal stuff on it and this is probably the reason I don't get a lot of readers or comments.

    I've recently posted a review of Alan Moore's and Melinda Gebbie's erotic (porno)graphic novel, Lost Girls, you might be interested in.

    I'll be following your blog and keeping up with your adventures.

    All the Best

    George (Underground Man)

  3. Hi,Amy

    Lost Girls is very good but it might not be your 'cup of tea' in a sexual sense; there is a lot of lesbian sex. Also the book is expensive. I got the newly issued cheaper version (which is not that cheap) for 35 pounds. You can't have a look at the content in the book shop before buying because it's well wrapped up. But if your into Alan Moore and graphic novels or Victorian/Edwardian fabulation/fantasy and vintage erotica/porn then it's worth it. As I said in the review there is a lot more to 'Lost Girls' then the sex, but being very honest if the bulk of the book was explicit gay(male)rumpo I probably would not have purchased it.

    This is not one for the crowded daily commute though! The images are vivid and very, very hardcore; you could get yourself expelled from the train or even arrested. It's also very heavy and bulky so it would virtually be in the lap of the passenger next to you. No, 'Lost Girls' is strictly for the privacy of the bedroom.

    I too have a degree (History of Ideas & Literature) and work in a job that's pretty dull-low grade admin assistant working 30 hours a week. Not that I'm complaining-the pay is not that bad for a single person who has not got a mortgage or family, there is no stress or pressure, and I don't work on Friday's and the weekends. I'm sort of resighned to my fate as I'm 45 in February-the oldest office junior in London!

    I hope you find the sort of job your looking for soon, Amy.

    All the Best

    George (Underground Man)

  4. Hi George,

    This is from my original blog:

    I've never tried it but I don't have anything against lesbian sex. I already looked up the book at Amazon (UK and America) so I know it's pricy but I think I might still get it, eventually. I've never read any of Moore's work but I noticed that I knew/heard of a lot of his other work just checking him out at Amazon.

    I think I've only read one graphic novel before and it was about Death - or maybe she was Death's daughter? I can't remember. Anyway she was a goth chick (original, *eyes rolled* but still *smiling*). I think it was quite funny, but it was years ago and I really can't remember. It seemed like a series but the library didn't have any others. And thus my experimentation/education ended there.

  5. Hi, Amy

    The graphic novel you read must have been part of the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman. Shame the library didn't have any more as it's one of the best, second only to Alan Moore.

    George (Underground Man)
