Thursday, October 29, 2009

So Now We Know

I’m back in Melbourne as of last night. Today in the mail I got my letter to Joshua. (Damn it). Although I suppose I didn’t really expect him to reply I still really wanted him to read what I had to say. Now I really wish I’d stuck that postcard in his bag. Shit, shit, shit! At least it was me that brought in the mail. I did half dread seeing it on my bed with the rest of my mail when I got home. But it wasn’t there, nor was my tax return. Another shit to that! I’ve got to get over this and I will. However, it will torture me from time to time.


  1. You have such a great sense of humor and a great personality, plenty of reason for me to keep reading. I only ask for more ;)

  2. I liked your comment on my last post and figured I would return the favor. It's always nice to come back and have a new comment ;)

    I'm sorry that my prolific-ness makes you feel lazy. If it makes you feel any better, the only reason I post so often is that my social life isn't nearly as much fun as... other aspects are. Plus, writing for me is like meditation, it helps keep thoughts and feelings organized.

    And of course, I eagerly keep checking in on blogger to see if you have a new post... sigh.

