I woke up properly around 8.30ish. I could hear the beep of the answering machine in the kitchen. I hadn’t realised I’d left it on. Our phone is so annoying, you can’t hear it ring from my room but you can hear the beep of a missed call. I assumed it was The Old Man with an update on his progress. By that time of day he should have made some decent time. So I didn’t bother getting up to check the machine. I lay there lazily thinking about being with him.
That is a pretty good depiction of how we do it. (Minus the glasses).
I even decided to have a wank with the help of my vibrator, in dildo mode, and one of my gay short story collections. (Gay and Lesbian porn does it for me because they describe oral so well. It’s my thing so I like hearing about it from both sides of the experience. Both sources do a wonderful job). Thinking I’ll be getting the real thing later today, with some “man-woman sex” thrown in. (That expression sticks in my mind from the coming out episode of Ellen. Very funny. Pity about her chat show.)When I finally went to check the machine and turn my mobile on there was a surprising and disturbing message. He’d been in an accident so I called him right away. First off let me reassure you that he’s all right. His car on the other hand is a write off. He hit a deer. I mean of all the things you can imagine would you even think of that? Once I was reassured he was okay I said, “I didn’t even know we had deer in Australia.” Apparently there are some feral ones up around his part of the country. Why anyone introduced them here in the first place I have no idea. So now he’s waiting by the phone and trying to organise a new car and new travel plans. The last time he called it seemed fairly certain that if he got a new car we’d move the visit to next weekend.
We were going to have a get together tomorrow so he could get to know some of my friends and my sister a bit better. I’m going to have it anyway – I asked him if he’d mind and he said it was all right. I feel like having a bit of company. We won’t be able to next weekend because I’ve got two friends birthdays then. I’m going to dinner with a date wow! LOL. I’m actually a bit nervous about it, but it’s mostly the age difference. My friends aren’t rude though so I know it will be fine.
Annoyingly putting my sexual needs first also meant I missed a call from my mum letting me know she arrived safely and had gone to see the salt lake of Salt Lake City. She sounded well. I’m glad as she was a bit stressed out before the trip, travel anxiety I know how that goes.